Henna's doctor said there are few kids that can talk who have the VNS implant and asked me to video Henna while the VNS was operating. They have little info from VNS recipients between the age of 13-15 on how it feels and sounds. This video is of the electrical current going up the Vagal Nerve to the brain while Henna sings the ABC's. Henna sounds like Chewbacca! You can actually hear it stop after the 30 seconds. Dr. Pearl is the chief of General Child Neurology, as well as program director in Neurology at Children’s National Medical Center. Henna had her VNS increased again today and there is only one more time to increase it until it's at it's maximum current amount. So far we have seen little relief. Dr. Pearl said we will wait 6 months and adjust the current flow and see what happens. If it doesn't start decreasing her seizures Henna is an excellent candidate for the Corpus Callosotomy. This is when they surgically separate the 2 hemispheres of the brain so the seizures can't cross from hemisphere to the other. This is supposed to take care of the drop seizures but can increase other types of seizures, such as partial seizures. Henna does not have this type. It's scary to think this is the last option we have for her to get rid of her drop seizures. If she were to get the surgery she could still have the other 3 kind of seizures she experiences now. The drop seizures are very dangerous because she can fall and hit her head or body. Please pray that the VNS kicks in and starts doing it's job.

Sunday after church we went to a small lake and fed this lonely duck. We were hoping to see a gaggle of geese along with a bunch of ducks but this guy was enjoying himself on the lake alone. We had cleaned out our pantry and had a huge bag of crackers, croutons, and misc. items to offer any animal who wanted them.
Carter and Henna littered the lake with the crumbs.
This turtle peeked out at us and had a few bites of a cracker.
There were many Coy fish that were over 2 feet long. We saw a few jumping out of the water but they didn't surface for our goodies.
After our adventure we went and got some icecream.
Here is Henna with her new "Chucks". She wanted red but settled for black. It was another warm day in Woodbridge but I heard there is rain coming tonight.
All of my tulips are up and are so beautiful. The leaves are starting to come out and before we know it we'll be in shorts and flip flops.
Have a blessed week and don't forget that smile and kind word to someone who needs a lift.
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